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[E] elgmand
[E] elgmand
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over 8 years ago
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over 8 years ago
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username: elgmand time: about noon 3/6/2017 location: nether fortress wither farm what happened: someone claimed they wanted to see the clan base, I was trying to finish a platform for farming in the nether and tp'd them to me, they attacked me, I fell into lava and started to attack them back and it wouldn't let me, it said their pvp was off, I should have gottena screenshot but I didn't think it was weird until later, because my pvp was on. And well, that's how the nether works. He took all my stuff said thanks, tried to give me the newbie gear, then tried to still come to our clan base, most likely to wreck up the place. Then he logged out and that was that. I would definitely have killed him, I had half diamond armour on and he was using stone. items: Diamond sword (1)Sharpness IV, Looting III, Unb III, Mending, Fire aspect II, sweeping edge III Diamond pickaxe (2)silk touch/fortune III , unbIII, mending, eff V Axe: fortIII, mending effV, unbIII bow: powerV unbIII flame boots: mending, unb III, feather falling III, depth strider III chest: thornsII, unbIII, mending, fire prot IV ~7 stacks of nether stone, 3 wither skele heads, 44 iron ingots, almost 2 full stacks of gold nuggets, 7 gold ingots, 4 soul sand
over 8 years ago